The American Mail-Order Brides Series

The American Mail-Order Brides Series


lottieLottie: Bride of Delaware 

American Mail-Order Brides Series Book #1 

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Lottie, Bride of Delaware, is the first book in the unprecedented 50-book American Mail-Order Brides series!

Lottie Mitchell had a problem, a really BIG problem, and the only one who cared was, well, her. Oh sure, her roommate Beth gave stock to her theories of who was responsible for a tragedy that put herself and dozens of her co-workers out of a job. And yes, someone came up with the idea that in order to survive, they could all become mail-order brides, but still… Lottie wanted to know the truth. Did her sister Leora believe her? To a point, but not enough to keep from telling her that if she didn’t drop her silly notions, she’d miss her own wedding! Her other roommates, Alice and Judith groaned at any mention of helping her snoop around like a Pinkerton, and then there was her groom …

Sam Cooke gave up the notion of finding anyone from Clear Creek to marry. What available women there were, were either too young or too old, and heaven help him if his mother, Belle Cooke, got his matchmaking Aunt Sadie to help find him a bride. No, some things a man had to do on his own. But when he travels east on business to fetch his mail-order bride, little did he know what sort of hi-jinx awaited him on the journey home with her!

LeoraLeora: Bride of California 

American Mail-Order Brides Series Book #31

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Leora Bride of California, is the thirty-first book in the unprecedented 50-book American Mail-Order Brides Series!

Her sister gone, her roommates soon to follow, Leora Mitchell must now face the fact that she, along with the others, are mail-order brides. For years her life revolved around Brown’s Textile Mill, her sister Lottie and their friends. Now, as mail-order brides they’d be scattered across the country, ready to start a new life. The only problem was, Leora had no idea what that life looked like, nor did she have any idea who she was without the familiar faces she loved so much.

Pastor Theron Drake needed a wife, and the crazy folks in his congregation whole-heartedly agreed. So much so, they thought they should have as much access to the new Mrs. Drake as he did! They volunteered her for everything they could think of and made her the director of the annual Christmas Play. Throw in the town bully/busybody who’d rather have her own choice of a Mrs. Drake, and you have a mail-order bride that doesn’t know if she’s coming or going.
Will Theron and Leora’s new marriage survive the onslaught of his over-zealous parishioners? Or will she crack under the pressure, turn tail and run? Find out in this hilarious romp how two people are forced to discover their true strengths and weaknesses.